
Give online to FCC Ministries


A tithe is 10% of your income given specifically to your local church. Did you know? The word tithe literally means tenth in Hebrew. (Source)

While much has been said or written on the subject, the best place to look for sound teaching on generosity is the Bible. Both Old and New Testaments teach generosity as a way of life for God's redeemed people, not as a rote duty but as a joyful response to God's saving grace.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8

You may also text to give. Simply text an amount to "84321", and you will receive a link to complete the donation.


When deciding about a gift to Fairlawn Community Church, Planned Giving can help you accomplish your giving goals, increase the impact of your gift, and may reduce taxes. Wise counsel can help you determine the best giving option for today and the future. Use this button to be redirected to our Planned Giving site, facilitated by Orchard Alliance.

We work with Orchard Alliance, a planned giving leader and supporting organization of The Alliance that has been serving ministries and individuals for more than 50 years. Since every situation is unique, Orchard Alliance brings the right blend of biblical and professional expertise to develop and implement a plan that achieves your giving goals. To facilitate your gifts, Orchard Alliance provides a wide range of tools and services to help guide you through the process. Thank you for your heart of generosity toward Fairlawn Community Church.

If you have any questions about giving, please contact Deb Lakis.


Fairlawn Community Church and our Elders are pleased to offer a Christian College Scholarship Fund. This is another step towards achieving our vision to see the transformation of college students for the glory of God. We desire to support and encourage students in their pursuit of an education at a Christian college, seminary, or denominational education program. The Elders will award a maximum of $500 per semester to eligible applicants, as funds are available. We will also make every effort to utilize matching grants, if available from the college.

If you have a heart for Christian education, will you partner with us in support of these scholarships?

Contributions can be made through online giving (select the “Christian College Scholarship” fund) or mark an offering envelope accordingly.

Please contact Deb Lakis if you have any questions.